Thursday, October 04, 2012

Hobbit week pt. IV

Previous entries in "Hobbit week."


The finished piece.

Bilbo, detail.

All of this leads us to the finished piece. I had such a good time on this project. But wouldn't you know it, just like so many good adventures, I wasn't finished yet.

. . .

There was room in the budget for a piece for the back cover. And what a back cover. It's scene I have imagined again and again ever since I first read the book in high school. Tomorrow's post will cover this back piece in detail but until then here's a teaser:

Fire and water.


Moonofsilver said...

oh! I can't wait to see more from this project :) I am seeing "the hobbit" opening night this December and dressing up like an elf to boot!

Cosmysla said...

Thanks, great blog.