Monday, August 11, 2008

Pipe organ, painted.

I put the finishing touches on this one over the weekend.

I've got a method in place to revamp my portfolio. Mostly by knuckling down over the next few weeks and working through a list of pieces I've been wanting to do for a long time. I've got a about 5 more pieces to work through at this point.

It's bizarre, I feel like I'm working all the time and yet there's only one or two pieces (not including Ticket) I can point to and say, "This is a mostly accurate representation of me, where I am, and what I am able to accomplish with a little time."

So, in an effort to combat frustration and the fact that everyone I know seems so effortlessly prolific, I've got a method in place which allow me to not only be a few more paces down the road towards a new portfolio and work through a collection of paintings I want to do, but also provide a lot of blog material.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

more blogs! Woot, woot.

Peace. - Caleb